Setting goals is quite important if you want to achieve things in life...and running is no exception, if fact for me, having big (often scary, and sometimes seemingly unachievable goals) is a really important part of my running experience. If I have something huge to work towards, then I can break the challenge into training chunks, practice particular skills, work on my endurance and fantasize about running and achieving my goal.
The problem for me at the moment, is that I don't have a solid goal set in concrete. I was supposed to be running the Wellington Marathon in a few weeks time, but circumstances have prevented that from eventuating, and now I am in running limbo, as I haven't set myself the next challenge. I am thinking of running the Great Naesby Water Race (50km) which is in August. Part of me thinks that running an ultra before I have run a full marathon is a bit like trying to run before I can walk, and the rest of me thinks that this is just the sort of challenge that I need.
While I mull over that little conundrum, I am still ticking away with my training. I did a 32km long run today, and have been doing shorter 9km runs in the evenings. Inclement weather, and a temporary change in location mean that I have elected to run on the treadmill rather than on busy streets in the dark. Running on a treadmill is never top of my priority list, its is boring and hard to remain motivated, and I saw a quote the other day that summed it up perfectly: "whoever thinks a minute is a short amount of time, has never been on a treadmill". I have been running on the treadmill in hour-long stints, which I think is nearly deserving of a prize. However, even on a treadmill, any running is better than no running at all.
Hopefully as exams will soon be over, I can make some new and exciting running plans, and in the mean time I am reading an inspirational and hilarious account of the Coast to Coast race by Kelly Barker. It is beautifully written, and had cemented my desire to one day complete this race (although I will have to learn to Kayak and ride a bike without killing myself first!). I have also signed up to volunteer for the 2014 Godzone Adventure Race, and I can't wait to be a part of such an incredible event, and gain some knowledge and appreciation of the hard work that goes on behind the scenes at an internationally renowned kiwi event.
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